This Product has a BAD Tail
Array ( [countryCode] => IL [languageCode] => HE [numberOfResultsInPage] => 1 [totalResults] => 1 [totalPages] => 1 [nextPageURI] => [products] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [DistributionBrandName] => HELLMANN'S [DistributionSubCategory] => Salad Dressings [DistributionCategory] => Dressings [DistributionCategoryGroup] => Nutrition [ApprovalDate] => 2020-04-22T16:04:10:040+0000 [modified_action] => modified [modified_time] => 2024-04-20T20:47:27:020+0000 [PIMID] => 072901002462457290044700018IL [GTIN] => 07290100246245 [ProductType] => BASE_UNIT_OR_EACH [BrandName] => HELLMANN'S [BrandOwner] => UFS Israel PT. [BrandOwnerIPGLN] => 7290044700018 [CategoryGroup] => Nutrition [Category] => Dressings [Subcategory] => Salad Dressings [PSOSubCategory] => [DescriptionShort] => HELLMANN'S רוטב אלף האיים 5.1 KG [IsNonGTINLogisticUnitPackedIrregularly] => [ProductNumber] => IL07290100246245 [ProductTag] => [StorageCompatibilityCode] => [PSTApplicableByProvince] => [ChannelOfDistribution] => [ArticleLogistic] => Array ( [PackageWeightUnitID] => [PackageWeight] => 0.203 ) [Article] => Array ( [GlobalItemClassificationCode] => 10000200 [IPGLN] => UFS Israel PT. [IPGLNCode] => 7290044700018 [ManufacturerAID] => [ManufacturerName] => Unilever [MaterialNumber] => 000000000020086732 [SupplierAltAID] => [isTradeItemABaseUnit] => [isTradeItemABulkItem] => [isTradeItemAPromotionalItem] => [isTradeItemMarkedWithCoffeeTax] => [totalQuantityOfNextLowerLevelTradeItem] => 1 [HSNOClassification] => Array ( [0] => ) ) [ArticleAVPGDSNCINAVPExtensionLang] => Array ( [NonFoodIngredientStatement] => [labelDescription] => [regulatedProductName] => רוטב אלף האיים ) [ArticleClaimsLang] => Array ( [Claims] => הבחירה של השפים [Claims1] => [Claims2] => [Claims3] => [Claims4] => [Claims5] => [Claims6] => [Claims7] => [Claims8] => [Claims9] => [Claims10] => ) [ArticleLog] => Array ( [CreationDate] => 2020-04-22T15:55:29:160+0000 [DeletionDate] => 9999-12-31T00:00:00:000+0000 [ModificationDate] => 2024-04-20T20:47:27:020+0000 [ModificationDateBrandBank] => 2024-04-20T20:47:27:020+0000 [ModificationDateKWR] => 2023-04-12T06:23:39:000+0000 [ModificationDateClavis] => 2024-04-20T20:47:27:020+0000 [ModificationDateTAB] => 2023-04-12T06:23:39:000+0000 ) [ArticleMediaAssetLang] => Array ( [FrontOnPackshot] => [HeroImage] => ) [ArticlePackaging] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [PackagingType] => Carton [PlatformTypeCode] => [PlatformTermsAndConditionsCode] => [PackagingWeight] => 0.203 [PackagingWeightUOM] => [PackagingMaterialCompositionQuantityUOM] => ) ) [ArticleReference] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [Type] => parent-item [ReferencedSupplierAid] => 172901002462427290044700018IL [Quantity] => 1 [DisplayOrder] => [ReferencedGTIN] => 17290100246242 [ReferencedProductDescription] => HELLMANN'S 5.1 KG X 4 ) ) [ArticleTradeItemHandlingStacking] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [StackingFactorTypeCode] => STORAGE_UNSPECIFIED [StackingFactor] => ) ) [ArticleULEcomBBandPSOExtension] => Array ( [AmazonLaunchDate] => [AmazonSpecificCategory] => [AmazonSpecificSubCategory] => [BrandProvidedSearchTerms] => [CityOfOrigin] => [CombinedBrandSKLSearchTerms] => [CoopAgreementPercent] => [CountryOfOriginBrand] => [FrenchMSDSUrl] => [LongFormProductDescriptionRomanceCopy] => רוטב הסלט הקלאסי, המוכר והבחירה המובילה של השפים. אידיאלי לסלטים, ומתאים במיוחד לכריכים וטוסטים. מרקם סמיך צבע מושלם וטעם מאוזן. מאפשר אחידות במגוון מנות. מעניק אבטחת איכות ובטיחות מזון בסטנדרטים הגבוהים ביותר. [NewOrReplacement] => [Number1SearchTerm] => [OneVOTName] => HELLMANN'S רוטב אלף האיים 5.1 KG [OneVOTeCommerceTitle] => הלמנ'ס רוטב 5.1 KG [PackagingDepth] => [PackagingHeight] => [PackagingWidth] => [PrioritySearchTerms] => [ReplacementReference] => [SaveBySubscription] => [SearchKeyWordList] => [SearchKeyword1] => [SearchKeyword10] => [SearchKeyword2] => [SearchKeyword3] => [SearchKeyword4] => [SearchKeyword5] => [SearchKeyword6] => [SearchKeyword7] => [SearchKeyword8] => [SearchKeyword9] => [SearchTerm] => [eCategory] => [eFunctionalName] => רוטב [eSize] => 5.1 ק"ג [eSubbrand] => [eVariant] => אלף האיים [OneVOTKANATranslation] => [HiddenSearchTerm] => [UntaggedSearchTerm] => [ShufersalShortName] => ) [ArticleULHPCData] => Array ( [HPCSafetyInstructions] => ) [ArticleULMonitoring] => Array ( [InterspecFileName] => [InterspecPartNumber] => [InterspecPlannedEffectiveDate] => [InterspecRevisionNumber] => [InterspecUpdateDate] => [SAPFileName] => 2021-02-08T15-10-23-987+0000-GDS_MT_Trade_Items_XML_IL_20210208-040241-865_GG_A2A.xml [SAPIdocCreaitionDate] => 2021-02-08T00:00:00:000+0000 [SAPIdocNumber] => 0000001553814778 [SAPMessageId] => U2-0000001553814778-000000000020086732-N-17290100246242-IL-7290044700018-S-12-N-N-07290100246245-000000020210208150237 [SAPPackNature] => [SAPRegionName] => U2 [SAPUpdateDate] => 2021-02-10 04:40:50 [ConSpecPartNumber] => ) [ArticleULPIMGeneric] => Array ( [AllergenStatement] => [BasePack] => [RegisterType] => [BasePackDescription] => [EANUCCCode] => 7290100246245 [EANUCCType] => European Article Number (EAN) [ExpirationDate] => [HPCIngredientDeclaration] => [IsBBProduct] => true [IsEcommProduct] => true [IsImportedProduct] => [IsItemNonVegetable] => [IsKweryRelevant] => [KeyIngredient1] => [KeyIngredient2] => [KeyIngredient3] => [ManufacturerTaxNo] => [MarkDown] => [MarkUp] => [NPDEndDate] => [NPDFlag] => [NPDStartDate] => [NestingDirection] => [NestingType] => [NorwegianFillingPercentage] => [Sector] => [SizeAndShape] => [StorageTemperatureConditions] => [StorageTemperatureConditionsWhenTheProductIsOpen] => [TypeofCU] => 12 [isAllRetailerFlag] => [packNature] => S [packagingMarkedDateFormat] => [ReadyForDistribution] => [GlobalBrandName] => Hellmann's [GlobalBrandCode] => BF0380 [CategoryCode] => CF1062 [CategoryGroupCode] => CF1315 [MarketCode] => CF1049 [KosherSupervisionType] => פרווה [RabbinateApproves] => בדצ העדה החרדית לא כולל פסח, הרבנות הראשית לחיפה [KosherCouncil] => [KosherForPassover] => [CookingOrBakingIsrael] => [MilkofisraelOrforeigner] => [ShabbatObservingFactory] => [MarkingtheMinistryofHealth] => [IsVariant] => false [SalesGroup] => [CSPLNonPublic] => [IsGHSRelevant] => [URLSafetydatasheet] => [DeliveryUnit] => [IsBOM] => [ResponsibleFoodBusiness] => [IsVegan] => [IsVegetarian] => [OneColumnValidityCode] => [IsTradeItemPackedIrregularly] => [JuiceContentPercentage] => ) [ArticleULPIMProcess] => Array ( [PackType] => [AllRetailerFlags] => [BBEnrichmentApproved] => true [BBEnrichmentComplete] => [BBManagerComments] => [BBStatus] => [BBStatusUK] => [CDOpsEnrichmentApproved] => [CDOpsEnrichmentComplete] => [CDOpsManagerComments] => [CDOpsStatus] => [CDOpsStatusDescription] => [CoreOfTheCoreFlag] => [DateOfCDOpsStatus] => [ExclusiveRetailers] => [InterspecTrigger] => [LegalAndTechnicalApprovalComments] => [LegalAndTechnicalApprovalFlag] => [MDOPsLastModifiedDate] => [MDOpsEnrichmentApproved] => [MDOpsEnrichmentComplete] => [MDOpsManagerComments] => [MDOpsStatus] => [OldReferenceDeletionIntermediateFlag] => delete [PMHBrand] => [PalletStatus] => [ReadyForAlternateItemNumUpdate] => [RetailerDataUpdated] => [RetailerProductCodeUpdated] => [TaskName] => [UpdateAlternateItemNumberFor] => [eComEnrichmentApproved] => [eComEnrichmentComplete] => [eCommManagerComments] => [eCommStatus] => [IsProductApproved] => true [PIMLiteIndicator] => false [PIMLiteProductStatusCode] => [PIMLiteProductStatusDescription] => [PIMLiteProductStatus] => ) [ArticleULPriceList] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [PriceType] => List Price [Territory] => Israel [Currency] => Euro [Retailer] => GEN [ListPrice] => [ListPriceBasisPerUnit] => [ListPriceBasisPerUnitUoM] => ) ) [TargetMarkets] => Array ( [AdditionalDescription] => [Age] => [AuthorizationGroup] => [AlternateItemClassificationCode] => [AlternateItemClassificationScheme] => Array ( [0] => ) [AlternateItemIdentificationMaintenanceAgency] => Assigned By Manufacturer [ApplicationArea] => [BarcodeType] => EAN_UCC_13_SYMBOL [Celebrity] => [ColorTexture] => [CommercialisationDate] => [LastOrderDate] => [LastShipDate] => [CompositionAndProductCharacteristics] => [ConsumerUnitsPerPallet] => [ConsumerUnitsPerPalletLayer] => [ContactInfoGLN] => [CountriesOfOrigin] => Israel [CouponFamilyCode] => [DeliveryToDCTemperatureMaximum] => [DeliveryToDCTemperatureMaximum_Imperial] => [DeliveryToDCTemperatureMaximumUOM] => [DeliveryToDCTemperatureMaximumUOM_Imperial] => [DeliveryToDCTemperatureMinimum] => [DeliveryToDCTemperatureMinimum_Imperial] => [DeliveryToDCTemperatureMinimumUOM] => [DeliveryToDCTemperatureMinimumUOM_Imperial] => [DeliveryToMarketTemperatureMaximum] => [DeliveryToMarketTemperatureMaximum_Imperial] => [DeliveryToMarketTemperatureMaximumUOM] => [DeliveryToMarketTemperatureMaximumUOM_Imperial] => [DeliveryToMarketTemperatureMinimum] => [DeliveryToMarketTemperatureMinimum_Imperial] => [DeliveryToMarketTemperatureMinimumUOM] => [DeliveryToMarketTemperatureMinimumUOM_Imperial] => [Depth] => 195 [Depth_Imperial] => [DepthUOM] => ממ [DepthUOM_Imperial] => [DiameterOfPackagingIn] => [DiscontinuedDate] => [EndAvailabilityDate] => [FeatureandBenefit1] => אידיאלי לסלטים, כריכים וטוסטים [FeatureandBenefit2] => אבטחת איכות ובטיחות מזון בסטנדרטים הגבוהים ביותר [FeatureandBenefit3] => אחידות בכל ייצור [FeatureandBenefit4] => [FeatureandBenefit5] => [FeatureandBenefit6] => [FeaturesAndNotes] => [FirstShipDate] => [FormatOfPackaging] => [FunctionalName] => רוטב [GTINVariationRegistry] => false [Gender] => [GenericIngredient] => [GrossWeight] => 5.303 [GrossWeight_Imperial] => [GrossWeightUOM] => קג [GrossWeightUOM_Imperial] => [HairType] => [Height] => 290 [Height_Imperial] => [HeightUOM] => ממ [HeightUOM_Imperial] => [HueHair] => [IsActiveInMarket] => false [IsDispatchUnit] => false [IsInvoiceUnit] => false [IsNonSoldTradeItemReturnable] => [IsOrderableUnit] => false [IsPackagingMarkedReturnable] => [IsPrivate] => [IsPublishable] => [IsTradeItemADespatchUnit] => [IsTradeItemReorderable] => [Language] => Hebrew [LanguageSpecificBrandName] => הלמנ'ס [LayerDataUpdated] => [LayerDataUpdated_Imperial] => [LayerGTIN] => [LayerGTIN_Imperial] => [LayerGrossWeight] => [LayerGrossWeight_Imperial] => [LayerGrossWeightUOM] => [LayerGrossWeightUOM_Imperial] => [LayerHeight] => [LayerHeight_Imperial] => [LayerHeightUOM] => [LayerHeightUOM_Imperial] => [LayerLength] => [LayerLength_Imperial] => [LayerLengthUOM] => [LayerLengthUOM_Imperial] => [LayerVolume] => [LayerVolume_Imperial] => [LayerVolumeUOM] => [LayerVolumeUOM_Imperial] => [LayerWidth] => [LayerWidth_Imperial] => [LayerWidthUOM] => [LayerWidthUOM_Imperial] => [LotCode] => [LotCodeDescription] => [LowerThreshold] => [LowerThreshold_Imperial] => [LowerThresholdUOM] => [LowerThresholdUOM_Imperial] => [MRDRStatus] => [Manufacturer] => UFS Israel PT. [ManufacturingPlantIdentificationGLN] => [MarketingMessage] => [MaterialCode] => [MaterialContent] => [MaterialSafetyDataSheetNumber] => [NestingIncrement] => [NestingIncrement_Imperial] => [NestingIncrementUoM] => [NestingIncrementUoM_Imperial] => [Netweight] => 5.1 [Netweight_Imperial] => [NetweightUOM] => קג [NetweightUOM_Imperial] => [NumberOfItemsInPalletLayer] => [NumberOfItemsPerPallet] => [NumberOfLayersPerPallet] => [NutritionalDisclaimer1] => [NutritionalDisclaimer2] => [OfferOnPack] => [OptionalDescription1] => [OptionalDescription2] => [PerfumeType] => [PricingItemIndicator] => true [PricingOnProduct] => false [PrimaryDeliveryMethod] => [ProductDescription] => HELLMANN'S רוטב אלף האיים 5.1 KG [ProductDesignation] => [ProductEffects] => [ProductMarkedRecyclable] => [ProductPrepacking] => [ProductShape] => [ProductStrength] => [ProductStrengthUom] => [ProductStrengthUom_Imperial] => [QualitySort] => [QuantityofNextLevelGTINwithInnerPack] => [RecipeProduct] => [ReplacedByGTIN] => [ReplacesGTIN] => [SellingLine] => [ShelfLife] => 180 [ShortDescription] => [SkinType] => [SpecialIngredients] => [StartAvailabilityDate] => 2018-05-08T00:00:00:000+0000 [StorageConditionsAfterOpeningTheProductPackaging] => [StorageHandlingTempMax] => [StorageHandlingTempMax_Imperial] => [StorageHandlingTempMaxUOM] => [StorageHandlingTempMaxUOM_Imperial] => [StorageHandlingTempMin] => [StorageHandlingTempMin_Imperial] => [StorageHandlingTempMinUOM] => [StorageHandlingTempMinUOM_Imperial] => [SubBrand] => הלמנ'ס [TargetMarket] => Israel [Taste] => [Texture] => [UnitsPerCase] => [UpperThreshold] => [UpperThreshold_Imperial] => [UpperThresholdUOM] => [UpperThresholdUOM_Imperial] => [Variant] => אלף האיים [VariantDescription] => [VariantEffectiveDate] => [Volume] => 7634250 [Volume_Imperial] => [VolumeUOM] => cubic millimeter [VolumeUOM_Imperial] => [Width] => 135 [Width_Imperial] => [WidthUOM] => ממ [WidthUOM_Imperial] => [communityVisibilityDateTime] => [consumerAvailabilityDateTime] => 2018-05-08T00:00:00:000+0000 [consumerUsageStorageInstructions] => לשמור במקום קריר ומוצל, לשמור בקרור לאחר הפתיחה [contactType] => [doesTradeItemContainPropellant] => [drainedWeight] => [drainedWeight_Imperial] => [drainedWeightUoM] => [drainedWeightUoM_Imperial] => [firstDeliveryDateTime] => [firstOrderDate] => 2018-05-08T00:00:00:000+0000 [flashPointTemperature] => [flashPointTemperature_Imperial] => [flashPointTemperatureUOM] => [flashPointTemperatureUOM_Imperial] => [handlingInstructionsCode] => [hasBatchNumber] => false [hasDisplayReadyPackaging] => [isNetContentDeclarationIndicated] => [isPackagingMarkedWithIngredients] => [packageMarksEnvironment] => [packagingMarkedExpirationDateType] => [packagingMarkedExpirationDateType_BEST_BEFORE_DATE] => [packagingMarkedExpirationDateType_EXPIRATION_DATE] => Expiration date [PackagingMaterialCompositionUOM] => [packagingMaterialCode] => [packagingMaterialCodeDescription] => [priceOnPackIndicator] => [returnablePackageDepositCode] => [tradeItemGroupIdentificationCode] => 03 [tradeItemPromoOfferDescription] => [isProductAerosol] => [StackingWeightMaximum] => [MaxOrderQuantity] => [VariableTradeItemTypeCode] => [TransportCategoryCode] => [DangerousGoodsSpecialProvisions] => [DangerousGoodsHazardLabelNumber] => [DangerousGoodsHazardLabelSequenceNo] => [ADRTunnelRestrictionCode] => ) [Retailers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [RetailerCode] => GEN [RetailerGLN] => [RetailerName] => GEN [WebGlobalBrandCode] => [Core80] => [StartAvailabilityDate] => 2018-05-08 [EndAvailabilityDate] => [RetailerSpecificBrandDescription] => [RetailerProductDescription] => [Retailer1VOTEcommerceTitle] => [Remark(Optional)] => [AdvertisingSlogan(Optional)] => [ProductURL] => [AlternateItemNumber] => 000000000020086732 [SupplyChainCode] => [RetailerActiveFlag] => true [RetailPriceOnTradeItem] => [RetailPriceOnTradeItemCurrency] => [WalmartCode] => [LoblawsNGCode] => [LoblawsNGCodeWHSE] => [LoblawsNGCodeDSD] => [RetailerCOTCFlag] => [RetailerPowerSKUFlag] => [RetailerBusinessChannel] => ) [1] => Array ( [RetailerCode] => GEN_UFS [RetailerGLN] => [RetailerName] => GEN_UFS [WebGlobalBrandCode] => [Core80] => false [StartAvailabilityDate] => 2018-05-08 [EndAvailabilityDate] => [RetailerSpecificBrandDescription] => [RetailerProductDescription] => [Retailer1VOTEcommerceTitle] => רוטב אלף האיים [Remark(Optional)] => [AdvertisingSlogan(Optional)] => [ProductURL] => [AlternateItemNumber] => 000000000020086732 [SupplyChainCode] => [RetailerActiveFlag] => true [RetailPriceOnTradeItem] => [RetailPriceOnTradeItemCurrency] => [WalmartCode] => [LoblawsNGCode] => [LoblawsNGCodeWHSE] => [LoblawsNGCodeDSD] => [RetailerCOTCFlag] => false [RetailerPowerSKUFlag] => false [RetailerBusinessChannel] => UFS ) ) [Allergens] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [AllergenTypeCode] => AE [AllergenDescription] => Eggs and their derivates [LevelOfContainment] => מכיל [AllergenSpecificationAgency] => משרד הבריאות [AllergenSpecificationName] => שירות המזון במשרד הבריאות [LocalLanguageAllergenDescription] => ביצים ) [1] => Array ( [AllergenTypeCode] => BM [AllergenDescription] => Mustard and it's derivates [LevelOfContainment] => מכיל [AllergenSpecificationAgency] => משרד הבריאות [AllergenSpecificationName] => שירות המזון במשרד הבריאות [LocalLanguageAllergenDescription] => חרדל ) ) [Nutrients] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [PreparationState] => Prepared [ServingInstance] => per 100g [NutrientTypeCode] => NA [NutrientDescription] => Sodium [MeasurementPrecision] => APPROXIMATELY [QuantityContained] => 668 [ReferenceAmount] => [QuantityContainedUOM] => מג [PercentageOfDailyIntake] => [LocalLanguageNutrientDescription] => נתרן [ServingSizeDescription] => ) [1] => Array ( [PreparationState] => Prepared [ServingInstance] => per serving [NutrientTypeCode] => NA [NutrientDescription] => Sodium [MeasurementPrecision] => APPROXIMATELY [QuantityContained] => 100 [ReferenceAmount] => [QuantityContainedUOM] => מג [PercentageOfDailyIntake] => [LocalLanguageNutrientDescription] => נתרן [ServingSizeDescription] => ) [2] => Array ( [PreparationState] => Prepared [ServingInstance] => per 100g [NutrientTypeCode] => CHOAVL [NutrientDescription] => Carbohydrate [MeasurementPrecision] => APPROXIMATELY [QuantityContained] => 12 [ReferenceAmount] => [QuantityContainedUOM] => גרם [PercentageOfDailyIntake] => [LocalLanguageNutrientDescription] => פחמימות [ServingSizeDescription] => ) [3] => Array ( [PreparationState] => Prepared [ServingInstance] => per serving [NutrientTypeCode] => CHOAVL [NutrientDescription] => Carbohydrate [MeasurementPrecision] => APPROXIMATELY [QuantityContained] => 1.8 [ReferenceAmount] => [QuantityContainedUOM] => גרם [PercentageOfDailyIntake] => [LocalLanguageNutrientDescription] => פחמימות [ServingSizeDescription] => ) [4] => Array ( [PreparationState] => Prepared [ServingInstance] => per serving [NutrientTypeCode] => SUGAR- [NutrientDescription] => Carbohydrate of which sugars [MeasurementPrecision] => APPROXIMATELY [QuantityContained] => 1.4 [ReferenceAmount] => [QuantityContainedUOM] => גרם [PercentageOfDailyIntake] => [LocalLanguageNutrientDescription] => סוכרים [ServingSizeDescription] => ) [5] => Array ( [PreparationState] => Prepared [ServingInstance] => per 100g [NutrientTypeCode] => SUGAR- [NutrientDescription] => Carbohydrate of which sugars [MeasurementPrecision] => APPROXIMATELY [QuantityContained] => 9 [ReferenceAmount] => [QuantityContainedUOM] => גרם [PercentageOfDailyIntake] => [LocalLanguageNutrientDescription] => סוכרים [ServingSizeDescription] => ) [6] => Array ( [PreparationState] => Prepared [ServingInstance] => per serving [NutrientTypeCode] => ENER- [NutrientDescription] => Energy [MeasurementPrecision] => APPROXIMATELY [QuantityContained] => 48 [ReferenceAmount] => [QuantityContainedUOM] => קלוריות [PercentageOfDailyIntake] => [LocalLanguageNutrientDescription] => אנרגיה [ServingSizeDescription] => ) [7] => Array ( [PreparationState] => Prepared [ServingInstance] => per 100g [NutrientTypeCode] => ENER- [NutrientDescription] => Energy [MeasurementPrecision] => APPROXIMATELY [QuantityContained] => 318 [ReferenceAmount] => [QuantityContainedUOM] => קלוריות [PercentageOfDailyIntake] => [LocalLanguageNutrientDescription] => אנרגיה [ServingSizeDescription] => ) [8] => Array ( [PreparationState] => Prepared [ServingInstance] => per 100g [NutrientTypeCode] => FASAT [NutrientDescription] => Fat of Which Saturates [MeasurementPrecision] => APPROXIMATELY [QuantityContained] => 5 [ReferenceAmount] => [QuantityContainedUOM] => גרם [PercentageOfDailyIntake] => [LocalLanguageNutrientDescription] => חומצות שומן רוויות [ServingSizeDescription] => ) [9] => Array ( [PreparationState] => Prepared [ServingInstance] => per serving [NutrientTypeCode] => FASAT [NutrientDescription] => Fat of Which Saturates [MeasurementPrecision] => APPROXIMATELY [QuantityContained] => 0.8 [ReferenceAmount] => [QuantityContainedUOM] => גרם [PercentageOfDailyIntake] => [LocalLanguageNutrientDescription] => חומצות שומן רוויות [ServingSizeDescription] => ) [10] => Array ( [PreparationState] => Prepared [ServingInstance] => per 100g [NutrientTypeCode] => FATRN [NutrientDescription] => Fat of Which Trans [MeasurementPrecision] => LESS_THAN [QuantityContained] => 0.5 [ReferenceAmount] => [QuantityContainedUOM] => גרם [PercentageOfDailyIntake] => [LocalLanguageNutrientDescription] => חומצות שומן טרנס [ServingSizeDescription] => ) [11] => Array ( [PreparationState] => Prepared [ServingInstance] => per serving [NutrientTypeCode] => FATRN [NutrientDescription] => Fat of Which Trans [MeasurementPrecision] => LESS_THAN [QuantityContained] => 0.5 [ReferenceAmount] => [QuantityContainedUOM] => גרם [PercentageOfDailyIntake] => [LocalLanguageNutrientDescription] => חומצות שומן טרנס [ServingSizeDescription] => ) [12] => Array ( [PreparationState] => Prepared [ServingInstance] => per serving [NutrientTypeCode] => FAT [NutrientDescription] => Fat [MeasurementPrecision] => APPROXIMATELY [QuantityContained] => 4.5 [ReferenceAmount] => [QuantityContainedUOM] => גרם [PercentageOfDailyIntake] => [LocalLanguageNutrientDescription] => שומנים [ServingSizeDescription] => ) [13] => Array ( [PreparationState] => Prepared [ServingInstance] => per 100g [NutrientTypeCode] => FAT [NutrientDescription] => Fat [MeasurementPrecision] => APPROXIMATELY [QuantityContained] => 29.8 [ReferenceAmount] => [QuantityContainedUOM] => גרם [PercentageOfDailyIntake] => [LocalLanguageNutrientDescription] => שומנים [ServingSizeDescription] => ) [14] => Array ( [PreparationState] => Prepared [ServingInstance] => per serving [NutrientTypeCode] => PRO- [NutrientDescription] => Protein [MeasurementPrecision] => APPROXIMATELY [QuantityContained] => 0.1 [ReferenceAmount] => [QuantityContainedUOM] => גרם [PercentageOfDailyIntake] => [LocalLanguageNutrientDescription] => חלבון [ServingSizeDescription] => ) [15] => Array ( [PreparationState] => Prepared [ServingInstance] => per 100g [NutrientTypeCode] => PRO- [NutrientDescription] => Protein [MeasurementPrecision] => APPROXIMATELY [QuantityContained] => 0.5 [ReferenceAmount] => [QuantityContainedUOM] => גרם [PercentageOfDailyIntake] => [LocalLanguageNutrientDescription] => חלבון [ServingSizeDescription] => ) ) [Ingredients] => Array ( [Description] => מים, שמן צמחי, תרכיז עגבניות (9%), סוכר, חומץ, חלמון ביצה, חרדל, מלח, עמילן מעובד (לימות השנה: E1414, לפסח: E1422), חומרי טעם וריח, חומצת מאכל (E338), תבלינים, מייצב (קסנטן גאם), חומר משמר (E202), פטרוזיליה מיובשת, מעכב חמצון (E385), צבע מאכל (E150d) ) [ServingInstance] => Array ( ) [FoodAndBeverage] => Array ( [AverageServingsPerCase] => [ChildNutritionLabel] => [DailyValueIntakeReference] => [IngredientsList] => מים, שמן צמחי, תרכיז עגבניות (9%), סוכר, חומץ, חלמון ביצה, חרדל, מלח, עמילן מעובד (לימות השנה: E1414, לפסח: E1422), חומרי טעם וריח, חומצת מאכל (E338), תבלינים, מייצב (קסנטן גאם), חומר משמר (E202), פטרוזיליה מיובשת, מעכב חמצון (E385), צבע מאכל (E150d) [NumberOfServingsPerPackage] => [PreservationTechniqueCode] => [ProductIsConsumedAsSold] => [ServingSuggestion] => [compulsoryAdditivesLabelInformation] => [fatPercentageInDryMatter] => [fatPercentageInDryMatterUoM] => [fishCatchZone] => [healthClaim] => [healthClaimCode] => Array ( [0] => ) [fatInMilkContent] => [isHomogenised] => [nutritionalClaim] => [precautionaryStatementCode] => [precautionaryStatementDescription] => [preparationInstructions] => [precautionsFOODS] => [preparationState] => [preparationType] => [InstructionsForUse] => ) [GDSNULTMAlternateItemIdentification] => Array ( [AlternateItemIdentificationID] => 20086732 ) [GDSNULTMNonGTINLogisticalUnitExtension] => Array ( [stackingFactor] => [stackingFactorTypeCode] => STORAGE_UNSPECIFIED ) [GDSNExtension] => Array ( [BrandOwerIPGLN] => 7290044700018 [BusinessChannel] => eComm,UFS [CanceledDate] => [CompositionDepth] => [CompositionDepth_Imperial] => [CompositionDepthUoM] => [CompositionDepthUoM_Imperial] => [CompositionWidth] => [CompositionWidth_Imperial] => [CompositionWidthUoM] => [CompositionWidthUoM_Imperial] => [DurabilityAfterOpening] => [DurabilityAfterOpeningUOM] => [EffectiveDate] => 2021-02-10T04:40:50:000+0000 [GDSNLastModifiedDate] => [GDSNRegistrationDate] => [GTINName] => HELLMANN'S רוטב אלף האיים 5.1 KG [HasVariableWeight] => false [IsBaseUnit] => true [IsConsumerUnit] => true [IsService] => [NetContent] => 5.1 [NetContent_Imperial] => [NetContentUOM] => קג [NetContentUOM_Imperial] => [NumberOfItemsInALayer] => [NumberOfLayersContainedInItem] => [NumberOfServingsPerPackageComments] => [ProductType] => BASE_UNIT_OR_EACH [ProvenanceStatement] => [QuantityOfNextLevelItems] => 1 [QuestionsAndAnswers] => [UOMType] => metric [UOMType_Imperial] => [Warnings] => [ConsumerRecyclingInstructions] => [isTradeItemADisplayUnit] => [isEarlyGTINIndicator] => ) [GDSNExtensionUOM] => Array ( [InterspecNetContent] => [InterspecNetContent_Imperial] => [InterspecNetContentUOM] => [InterspecNetContentUOM_Imperial] => [InterspecVolume] => [InterspecVolume_Imperial] => [InterspecVolumeUOM] => [InterspecVolumeUOM_Imperial] => [netContent1] => [netContent1_Imperial] => [netContent1 UOM] => [netContent1 UOM_Imperial] => [netContent2] => [netContent2_Imperial] => [netContent2 UOM] => [netContent2 UOM_Imperial] => [netContent3] => [netContent3_Imperial] => [netContent3UOM] => [netContent3UOM_Imperial] => ) [GDSNULAVPAustralia] => Array ( [NonGTINPalletDepthUoM] => [NonGTINPalletDepth_A] => [NonGTINPalletNetWeightUoM] => [NonGTINPalletNetWeight_A] => [NonGTINPalletVolumeUoM] => [NonGTINPalletVolume_A] => [NonGTINPalletWidthUoM] => [NonGTINPalletWidth_A] => [Z_numberOfBaseUnits_A] => [IsTradeItemAHazardousGood] => [gTINofBaseUnit_ARM] => ) [GDSNULAVPPackaging] => Array ( [communicationAddress] => יוניליוור ישראל מזון בעמ, יוליוס סימון 52, חיפה [contactName] => [isTradeItemMarkedWithBiocide] => ) [GDSNULAVPProductDescAlternatesLang] => Array ( [flavorOrScent] => ) [GDSNULAVPmarketingandContactInformationLang] => Array ( [ConsumerUsageDescription] => [tradeItemKeywords] => ) [GDSNULChemicalIngredientExtension] => Array ( [gHSSignalWordsCode] => [gHSSignalWordsCodekey] => [gHSSymbolDescriptionCode] => [gHSSymbolDescriptionCodekey] => [hazardStatementCode] => [hazardStatementDescription] => [unitedNationsDangerousGoodsNumber] => [SunProtectionFactor] => ) [GDSNULGS1CanadaCINExtension] => Array ( [gSTHSTApplicable] => [servingSizeUoM] => [specialHandlingCodeTransportation] => ) [ArticleLang2] => Array ( [SymbolLogos1] => [SymbolLogos2] => [SymbolLogos3] => [SymbolLogos4] => [SymbolLogos5] => [SymbolLogos6] => [SymbolLogos7] => [SymbolLogos8] => [SymbolLogos9] => [SymbolLogos10] => [SymbolLogos11] => [SymbolLogos12] => [SymbolLogos13] => [SymbolLogos14] => [SymbolLogos15] => ) [GDSNULHazmalnDangerousGoodsLang] => Array ( [HazardousMaterialAdditionalInformation] => ) [GDSNULTMAIASubstainability] => Array ( [IsProductAPesticide] => ) [ArticleULTMHazardousInformation] => Array ( [PackageMarksFreeFrom] => Array ( [PackageMarksFreeFrom1] => [PackageMarksFreeFrom2] => [PackageMarksFreeFrom3] => [PackageMarksFreeFrom4] => [PackageMarksFreeFrom5] => ) [PackagingMarkedLabelAccreditationCode] => Array ( [PackagingMarkedLabelAccreditationCode1] => [PackagingMarkedLabelAccreditationCode2] => [PackagingMarkedLabelAccreditationCode3] => [PackagingMarkedLabelAccreditationCode4] => [PackagingMarkedLabelAccreditationCode5] => ) [PackageMarksDietAllergen] => Array ( ) [HazardousStatement] => Array ( [HazardStatement1] => Array ( [Code] => [Description] => Array ( ) [PhraseDescription] => ) [HazardStatement2] => Array ( [Code] => [Description] => Array ( ) [PhraseDescription] => ) [HazardStatement3] => Array ( [Code] => [Description] => Array ( ) [PhraseDescription] => ) [HazardStatement4] => Array ( [Code] => [Description] => Array ( ) [PhraseDescription] => ) [HazardStatement5] => Array ( [Code] => [Description] => Array ( ) [PhraseDescription] => ) [HazardStatement6] => Array ( [Code] => [Description] => Array ( ) [PhraseDescription] => ) [HazardStatement7] => Array ( [Code] => [Description] => Array ( ) [PhraseDescription] => ) [HazardStatement8] => Array ( [Code] => [Description] => Array ( ) [PhraseDescription] => ) [HazardStatement9] => Array ( [Code] => [Description] => Array ( ) [PhraseDescription] => ) [HazardStatement10] => Array ( [Code] => [Description] => Array ( ) [PhraseDescription] => ) ) [PrecautionaryStatement] => Array ( [PrecautionaryStatement1] => Array ( [Code] => [Description] => Array ( ) [PhraseDescription] => ) [PrecautionaryStatement2] => Array ( [Code] => [Description] => Array ( ) [PhraseDescription] => ) [PrecautionaryStatement3] => Array ( [Code] => [Description] => Array ( ) [PhraseDescription] => ) [PrecautionaryStatement4] => Array ( [Code] => [Description] => Array ( ) [PhraseDescription] => ) [PrecautionaryStatement5] => Array ( [Code] => [Description] => Array ( ) [PhraseDescription] => ) [PrecautionaryStatement6] => Array ( [Code] => [Description] => Array ( ) [PhraseDescription] => ) [PrecautionaryStatement7] => Array ( [Code] => [Description] => Array ( ) [PhraseDescription] => ) [PrecautionaryStatement8] => Array ( [Code] => [Description] => Array ( ) [PhraseDescription] => ) [PrecautionaryStatement9] => Array ( [Code] => [Description] => Array ( ) [PhraseDescription] => ) [PrecautionaryStatement10] => Array ( [Code] => [Description] => Array ( ) [PhraseDescription] => ) [PrecautionaryStatement11] => Array ( [Code] => [Description] => Array ( ) [PhraseDescription] => ) [PrecautionaryStatement12] => Array ( [Code] => [Description] => Array ( ) [PhraseDescription] => ) [PrecautionaryStatement13] => Array ( [Code] => [Description] => Array ( ) [PhraseDescription] => ) [PrecautionaryStatement14] => Array ( [Code] => [Description] => Array ( ) [PhraseDescription] => ) [PrecautionaryStatement15] => Array ( [Code] => [Description] => Array ( ) [PhraseDescription] => ) ) ) [GDSNULTMAVPCLP] => Array ( [BiocideAgreementNo] => [CASID] => [CategoryOfDanger] => [ClassificationCodeOnTransportationArea] => [DangerLabelCode1] => [DangerLabelCode2] => [DangerLabelCode3] => [DangerLabelCode4] => [DangerPictoCode1] => [DangerPictoCode2] => [DangerPictoCode3] => [DangerPictoCode4] => [DangerousGoodsAMarginNumber] => [DangerousMarginNumber] => [DangerousSubstanceQuantity] => [DangerousSubstanceQuantityUoM] => [ExactPH] => [ICPECode] => [ICPESubCode] => [MainComponent] => [StandardAdviceWord] => [StateOfGood] => [ToxicityForAquaticLifeCode] => [ToxicityForAquaticLifeFlag] => [ToxicityLifeCodeCode] => [ToxicityLifeFlagFlag] => [TypeOfBiocideProduct] => [TypeOfGas] => [precautionaryStatementDescription1] => [precautionaryStatementDescription2] => [precautionaryStatementDescription3] => [precautionaryStatementDescription4] => [precautionaryStatementDescription5] => [precautionaryStatementDescription6] => [precautionaryStatementDescription7] => [precautionaryStatementDescription8] => [ADRDangerousGoodsLimitedQuantitiesCode] => ) [GDSNULTMAVPManufacturingAndHandling] => Array ( [NumberofBaseUnitsPerPallet] => [tradeItemCountryOfOriginStatement] => [transportStackingFactor] => ) [GDSNULTMCINPromotionalTradeItemExtension] => Array ( [FreeQuantityOfProduct] => [FreeQuantityOfProductUOM] => [NonPromotionalItem] => [PromotionalTypeCode] => ) [GDSNULTMColorSizeandCompositionLang] => Array ( [colorDescription] => ) [GDSNULTMFMCGExtension] => Array ( [PercentageOfDailyValueIntake] => [isIngredientIrradiated] => False [isRawMaterialIrradiated] => False [isTradeItemGeneticallyModified] => [isTradeItemIrradiated] => [percentageOfAlcoholByVolume] => [OrganicProductPlaceOfFarmingCode] => [OrganicTradeItemCode] => ) [GDSNULTMFrenchCINExtension] => Array ( [IsTradeItemACutToOrderItem] => [IsTradeItemADivisbleUnit] => [IsTradeItemAModel] => [IsTradeItemAReturnableUnit] => [TaxAgencyCode] => [isTradeItemAFullDisplayStand] => [masterFamily] => [promoFamily] => [CUPerCase] => ) [GDSNULTMHandlingnDelivery] => Array ( [NonGTINPalletGrossWeight] => [NonGTINPalletGrossWeightUoM] => [NonGTINPalletHeight] => [NonGTINPalletHeightUoM] => [importClassificationType] => [importClassificationValue] => [minimumTradeItemLifeSpanFromTimeOfArrival] => [minimumTradeItemLifeSpanFromTimeOfProduction] => 180 [palletTermsAndConditions] => [palletTypeCode] => ) [GDSNULTMHazmalnDangerousGoods] => Array ( [IsDangerousSubstance] => [classOfDangerousGoods] => [dangerousGoodsAMarginNumber] => [dangerousGoodsClassificationCode] => [dangerousGoodsHazardousCode] => [dangerousGoodsIndicator] => [dangerousGoodsPackingGroup] => [dangerousGoodsRegulationCode] => Mutually Defined [dangerousGoodsShippingName] => [dangerousGoodsTechnicalName] => ) [GDSNULTMInstructionsLang] => Array ( [HandlingInstructionsDescription] => [SafetyInstructions] => ) [GDSNULTMLogistic] => Array ( [countryOfOriginSubdivisionCode] => [launchWeek] => ) [GDSNULTMMediaAsset] => Array ( [Amazon] => [BackOfpack] => [BottomOfPack] => [EnhancedImage] => [LeftHandSideOfPack] => [Lifestyle] => [MerchFace] => [MerchSide] => [OlapicUsage] => [PrimaryFrontOnPackShot] => [ProductGlorifier] => [RightHandSideOfPack] => [SideofPack] => [Slider] => [TopOfPack] => [UsageImage] => ) [GDSNULTMNetherlandsCINExtensionLang] => Array ( [ProductPLUDescription] => ) [GDSNULTMOrderingnSelling] => Array ( [invoiceName] => הלמנס אלף האיים גלון [orderQuantityMinimum] => 0 [orderQuantityMultiple] => [orderingLeadTime] => [orderingLeadTimeUoM] => [sellingUnitOfMeasure] => Each ) [GDSNULTMPrice] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [PriceComparisonContentType] => 1 קג [PriceComparisonMeasurement] => 5.1 [PriceComparisonMeasurementUoM] => KG ) ) [GDSNULTMPricenTax] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [TaxType] => [TaxRate] => 17 [TaxRateTypeAgency] => Array ( [0] => ) [TaxRateTypeCode] => VAT [TaxRateTypeDescription] => Value Added Tax [TaxRateApplicabilityCode] => [TaxAmount] => [TaxAmountCurrency] => [TaxCategoryCode] => Applicable [TaxAgencyDescription] => ) ) [GDSNULTMRegulatoryInformation] => Array ( [permitEndDate] => [permitNumber] => [permitStartDate] => [regulatoryAct] => [regulatoryAgency] => ) [GDSNULTMproductDescriptionLang] => Array ( [tradeItemGroupIdentificationDescription] => רטבים ) [ManufacturersDetails] => Array ( [email] => [companyName] => [telephone] => [webAddress] => [manufacturersAddress] => [returnTo] => ) [ArticleDiet] => Array ( ) [GDSNULDatakart] => Array ( ) [GDSNRegulatoryInformation] => Array ( ) [GDSNULAVP] => Array ( [FSSAILicenseNumber] => [FoodType] => [ShelfLifeUnit] => [ShelfLifeBasedOn] => [HSCode] => [ProductPackagingLevel] => [MassMeasurementUnit] => [GS1SubCategory] => [PackType] => [GS1Category] => [ProductSize] => [ShortFormProductDescription] => ) [Product2GULAEMExtension] => Array ( [ProductTags] => [AlternativePageTitle] => [AlternativeProductNumber] => [ShortIdentifierValue] => [AEMChildProducts] => [PerfectForTitle] => [PerfectForHeadingsAndDescription] => [HowToUseTitle] => [TryThisTitle] => [TryThisDescription] => [CopyType] => [EANNumberOfParentProduct] => [ProductImages] => [ImageType] => [ImageFormat] => [GenerationStatus] => [DisableBuyItNow] => [LabelInsightId] => ) [Product2GULEcomBBandPSOExtensionLang] => Array ( [NeedState] => [Count] => [Claim] => *כשר לפסח* 60 שפים העדיפו את רטבי הסלט של הלמנ'ס על פני המתחרים המובילים [LanguageSpecificBrandname] => הלמנ'ס ) [UnitSystemSpecific] => Array ( [GrossWeightUOM] => KGM [NetweightUOM] => KGM [StackingWeightMaximumUOM] => [NetContentUOM] => KGM [netContent1UOM] => [netContent2UOM] => [netContent3UOM] => [InterspecNetContentUOM] => [DeliveryToDCTemperatureMaximumUOM] => [DeliveryToDCTemperatureMinimumUOM] => [DeliveryToMarketTemperatureMaximumUOM] => [DeliveryToMarketTemperatureMinimumUOM] => [StorageHandlingTempMaxUOM] => [StorageHandlingTempMinUOM] => [HeightUOM] => MMT [WidthUOM] => MMT [DepthUOM] => MMT [flashPointTemperatureUOM] => [DrainedWeightUoM] => ) [ArticleDataCarrier] => Array ( ) [ArticlePreparationServing] => Array ( ) [NewItemSetupAttributes] => Array ( [ContainsAluminum] => [AreBatteriesRequired] => [CasePriceB0] => [CasePriceB1] => [CasePriceB2] => [CasePriceB3] => [CasePriceB4] => [CasePriceB5] => [PromoCodeDesc] => [PromoCode] => [PriceValidFrom] => [PriceValidTo] => [OrganicCertificationBody] => [OrganicQualitySymbol] => [WithoutAlcohol] => [WithoutDyes] => [WithoutFragrances] => [NonComedogenicIngredients] => [Chemicals] => [ContainsPesticide] => [ContainsLiquid] => [DrugFactLabel] => [HasGMOs] => [IndividualItemPacked] => [InnerCasePackCount] => [MinimumAdvertisedPrice] => [ContainsParabens] => [ContainsPhthalates] => [ProductWarranty] => [Prop65] => [ContainsSulfates] => [TemparatureSensitive] => [UnitCostB0] => [UnitCostB1] => [UnitCostB2] => [UnitCostB3] => [UnitCostB4] => [UnitCostB5] => [MSRPEDLP] => [MSRPHybrid] => [MSRPHiLow] => [MSRPExtremeHiLow] => [IsVeganCertifications] => [IsKosherCertification] => [IsMineralOilAndParaffins] => [IsTheProductPerishable] => [ChildVariation] => [WithoutBleach] => [WithoutOpticalBrighteners] => [DisposalCode] => [EnvSensitive] => [FabricType] => [ImportDesignation] => [ContainsFormaldehyde] => [ContainsChokingHazard] => [ContainsSharpEdges] => [ContainsGlass] => [ProductPackagingContainsLiquid] => [TopicOrIngestible] => [ProductPackaging] => [ManufactureState] => [RainforestAlliance] => [RainforestAllianceCertificationID] => [ForestStewardshipCouncil] => [ForestStewardshipCouncilCertificationID] => [Fairtrade] => [FairtradeCertificationID] => [EUEcolabel] => [EUEcolabelCertificationID] => [NordicSwan] => [NordicSwanCertificationID] => [GOTS] => [GOTSCertificationID] => [CompactByDesign] => [CompactByDesignCertificationID] => [UMRPPrice] => [PurchasePrice] => [PromotionPurchasePrice] => ) [Product2GULExtensionLang2] => Array ( [ConsumerBenefit] => [BrandDescription] => [CSRUSLP] => [ProductKeywords] => [HiddenMisspellingKeywords] => ) [ArticleComponent] => Array ( ) [assets] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [AssetID] => 1930285 [Identifier] => migration-1930285 [EntityId] => 4841615 [PIMID] => 072901002462457290044700018IL [FileName] => 7290100246245.png [FileSize] => 7931932 [FileInfo] => 3000 x 3000 pixels [FileType] => PNG [CountriesAvailableTo] => Israel [DateCreated] => 2020/01/30 07:56:47 [DateModified] => 2024/04/10 09:50:07 [CheckInDate] => [ProjectInformation] => Array ( [AdditlAssociatedProjectNames] => [CampaignName] => ) [UnileverClassification] => Array ( [Agencies] => [Brand] => Hellmann's [BrandPosition] => Hellmann's World [Category] => Dressings [CategoryGroup] => Nutrition [CreatedFor] => Specified Clusters / Countries [CreatedForCountries] => Israel [CreatedForMarketClusters] => Israel [Market] => Salad Dressings [Organisation] => Food Solutions [Retailers] => All [TABRetailers] => [AssetCreatedForCountries] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [CountryName] => Israel [CountryISOCode] => IL ) ) ) [UsageRestrictions] => Array ( [EarliestExpiryDate] => [ExpiryDateType] => [FurtherRestrictionDetails] => [LatestEffectiveDate] => [ManagedRightsAllowedGeography] => [ManagedRightsCountries] => [OriginatorEmail] => [OriginatorName] => [OriginatorPhone] => [DistributeToRetailers] => Yes [AEMVisibilityEnabled] => No [AssetManagedRightsCountries] => Array ( ) ) [VideoInformation] => Array ( [Duration] => [FirstCountryofBroadcast] => [SubtitleLanguage] => [VoiceOverLanguage] => ) [Visibility] => Array ( [AssetStartDistributionDate] => [ExternalAccess] => Yes ) [eCommProductInformation] => Array ( [CUEANCode] => 07290100246245 ) [Keywords] => Array ( [OtherKeywords] => #Hellmanns #IsraelUFSBatch1 #IsraelUFSBatch2 #IsraelUFSmigration ) [Metadata] => Array ( [AssetSubtype] => Mobile Ready Hero Image [AssetType] => Pack Shot [GeneralImageSubtype] => [Language] => [Languages] => Array ( ) [LongDescription] => 1000_islands_3000X3000[100558].png [ShortDescriptionTitle] => Thousand Islands Dressing 5.1kg Passover [UsageRightsType] => None (Not licensed, no restrictions) [UseAsPrimaryPackShot] => NO [WWWInitialAddress] => ) [FileProperties] => Array ( [group] => Images [extension] => png [width] => 3000 [height] => 3000 [resolution] => 3000x3000 [megapixels] => 9 [creator] => Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 (Macintosh) [content_type] => image/png ) [RequestToArchive] => [RnDStatementID] => [CARAProjectID] => [UnileverProductChangeID] => [RnDCertifyingBody] => [DesignBriefID] => [ImageWithText] => No [EcommerceContentType] => [Products] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [GTIN] => 07290100246245 [PIMID] => 072901002462457290044700018IL [OneVOTeCommerceTitle] => הלמנ'ס רוטב 5.1 KG [StartAvailabilityDate] => 2018-05-08T00:00:00Z ) ) [previewURL] => [originalURL] => [fullSizeURL] => [GS1URLError] => success [GS1URL] => [GS1URLExpiry] => 2029-04-14 11:49:18 ) ) ) ) )